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June 19th, 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM // Fontainebleau Miami Beach
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February 3, 2022 • 2 min read
by Erin Mitchell
pain looks different than I thought it would
it changes shapes
fitting in to the narrowest of groves
sliding into the nooks not yet discovered
hope too looks different
coming in undulations
and waning just the same
this body though is the most surprising of all
a work horse and betrayer
a safe haven
and a buoy just out of reach

About the Author

The pandemic didn’t just alter life in the outside world, for me the stress of parenting, working, and surviving all while in the same space day in and day out pushed my body beyond the boundary I’ve had a life-long struggle with. What was once “blood sugar” drops I thought were normal in high-school, is now LADA or Latent Autoimmune Diabetes of Adults. I am glad to have a diagnosis and not simply feel ill and unheard. I am glad that medicine has advanced so much for diabetics over the past 100 years. I am glad to have found a new tribe of people that are brave and courageous fighting a somewhat “invisible” disease. I am a firm believer in #insulin4all.
IAF provides a platform to amplify the patient voice. Content on the IAF blog reflects the contributing author’s unique perspective, opinions, and experiences.

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