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Patient advocacy is speaking up for patients, whether that patient is a friend, a loved one, or yourself. It’s working to change the current system to better care for those managing a chronic illness. Patient advocacy can take many forms, such as sharing a social media post, writing a letter to your legislator, telling your story to a friend, or meeting with your lawmakers.
2. How does IAF advocate for patients?
Managing a chronic illness is a full time job, and being a patient advocate on top of that can feel like too much. That’s why the Infusion Access Foundation is here to help. We listen to our community’s concerns, identify political solutions, and communicate those solutions to decisionmakers. We do this through grassroots advocacy, story sharing, and communicating directly with state legislators and Congress.
3. Why should we advocate together?
State and federal decisionmakers can only help if they know what you are going through. Story sharing, letter writing, providing testimony, and attending Hill Days to meet with lawmakers will help legislators understand the struggles associated with managing a chronic illness in this country. We know engaging in these activities can be intimidating, but the Infusion Access Foundation is here for you every step of the way.