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Waves of Change – Changing Waves        

May 5, 2022 • 2 min read
Waves of Change – Changing Waves        

Change is like waves

Change can be beautiful, clear, and peaceful
It can be choppy and cloudy
It can be chaotic and gloomy
It can be hostile and dangerous too
Change can be big, it can be small
It can be scary and intimating

Regardless of what comes our way,

We must face it
Face the change, face the wave
Do not run away
Brace yourself and prepare
It may knock you down
Feeling like you are going to drown
But don’t fret and get up again

Those turbulent crashing waves can become

beautiful and calming again
Waves of change oh those
Changing Waves

About the Author: Estela Mata

Estela Mata, co-founder of Looms for Lupus and Healthcare Advocate, shares this poem about change. Estela lives with Fibromyalgia and supports her sister Juana, who lives with several autoimmune conditions. Together they share their stories, iLoominate, Empower, and support others living with chronic, autoimmune, and life changing conditions. Estela was inspired to write this poem because she knows so well how sometimes change can be hard. Accepting change takes time and has its ups and downs. However, with a community of support, learning to accept the change in your life becomes easier and brings you to a more hopeful place. 

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